8 Ways to Identifying Lightning Strikes on Trees
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8 Ways to Identifying Lightning Strikes on Trees

Lightning strikes can cause significant damage to your premises, especially tall and healthy trees. Identifying signs of lightning strikes on these magnificent entities is crucial for the tree's health and its surroundings' safety. At the Southern Star Stump, we can help you identify signs of lightning strikes on trees, prevent severe deterioration, and access emergency tree or stump removal services. Here are eight ways to identify lightning strikes on trees to help you make an informed decision.

Bark Splitting or Peeling Off

One of the most noticeable signs of a lightning strike is bark splitting or peeling off the tree trunk. When lightning strikes a tree, the intense heat generated can cause the sap inside to boil instantly, causing a violent expansion that splits the bark. This damage can range from minor peeling to severe cases where large strips of bark are blown off. Hire a certified arborist to determine the best course of action in case of severe peeling.

Scorched Leaves and Branches

Scorched or wilted leaves are another clear sign of a lightning strike. The electrical surge from the strike can burn leaves and branches, leaving them brown, brittle, or curled. The leaves affected by the strike often show signs of burning or charring along the edges, contrasting with the healthy foliage around them. While scorched foliage might not raise concerns, delaying professional care can cause irreversible damage and premature tree and stump removal emergencies later.

Long Vertical Cracks

Lightning often travels down the trunk of a tree, creating long vertical cracks. Depending on the strike's intensity, these cracks can be superficial or deep. Deep cracks may weaken the tree's structural integrity, posing a risk of falling branches or even the entire tree toppling over in adverse weather conditions. Inspecting these cracks closely is vital to determine the damage's extent. The arborist might recommend stump grinding in Lawrenceville to mitigate further yard damage if the tree is not salvageable and requires removal.

Exploded Branches or Twigs

In some cases, branches or twigs may appear exploded or shattered, as if blown apart from within. This usually occurs because sap's rapid heating and expansion cause a sudden release of pressure, exploding parts of the tree. Exploded branches often dangle loosely or litter the ground beneath. Once you notice damaged limbs hanging precariously or lying on the ground, hire a tree service expert to inspect and rectify the problem.

Oozing Sap or Water

A tree struck by lightning may exhibit signs of oozing sap or water from cracks or holes. The intense heat can cause internal moisture to boil and leak out through any openings. This can lead to visible wet patches on the bark, often accompanied by a sticky residue. Such symptoms might show internal damage, which could affect overall health and cause unplanned removal projects.

Discolored Streaks

Discolored streaks running down the bark are another indication of a lightning strike. These streaks may appear blackened, dark brown, or reddish and typically follow the lightning's path down the tree. The discoloration results from burning bark, sap, or even the underlying wood and serves as a visual marker of the lightning's destructive path.

Dieback of Branches or Foliage

Lightning damage can disrupt the flow of nutrients within the tree, leading to dieback—a gradual dying of branches and foliage. You may notice certain tree sections turning yellow or brown over time. This dieback could affect just a few branches or spread throughout the tree, depending on the extent of the damage. Early detection and pruning can help manage this issue, but severe damage may require complete tree removal and stump grinding in Sandy Springs.

Presence of Fungal Growth

Fungal growth near the base or on damaged parts of a tree may indicate that it has suffered from a lightning strike. Lightning weakens a tree's natural defenses, making it more susceptible to fungal infections. Fungi thrive in moist, damaged wood, so their presence often points to compromised tree health following a strike.

Identifying lightning strikes on trees is vital for maintaining a healthy landscape and ensuring safety. By recognizing the signs mentioned, you can take timely action. Whether through pruning, bracing, or removal, Southern Star Stump can help address the aftermath of a lightning strike. We leverage extensive expertise and knowledge to prevent further damage and maintain the health and safety of your surroundings. 
